GlenDronach, Glenlivet, Yellowstone Landmark Edition and Nelson Bros Rye
Podcast Transcription
Dan: Welcome to the Library Pubcast, Episode 220. Again.
Chris: I said some really funny this last one.
Dan: We’ll get it. Don’t worry. We’ll say-
Matt: Did the lights not work when you pushed the mute button?
Dan: I thought it was really odd when I finally noticed my VU meter on my laptop wasn’t going when anybody else was talking.
Matt: Pretty much flat.
Dan: Yeah, but I saw it out of the corner of my eye. I could see it going when I was talking because I don’t know if you guys had noticed, I tend to talk a lot.
Matt: You’re a talker.
Dan: So, it’s a fairly full representation of a waveform, but-
Matt: You don’t talk like that during sex, do you?
Mark: You’d have to have sex first.
Matt: Wow. All right. That’s fair. Or masturbation.
Chris: Totally …
Matt: Whiskey Wednesday.
Chris: … lost train of thought.
Dan: The next Whiskey Wednesday, coming up September 4th. That’s the Wednesday after Labor Day at 7:00. $90 per ticket. It’s going to feature a 21-year-old Scotch flight from Glenfiddich, Glenlivet, Benromach, Balvenie, and GlenAllachie.
Chris: Such a smart Alec, that wizard.
Dan: He is.
Mark: It’s not nearly as funny when you do it a second time-
Chris: No, it wasn’t. [inaudible 00:01:20].
Dan: It’s funny to them because they’re still hearing it for the first time.
Matt: I say we leave the first part in.
Dan: It’s so cringe-worthy when I can only hear me.
Matt: Because it’s just you talking and you could probably hear us real faintly in the background-
Dan: Real faintly in the background. Of course.
Matt: You’re like, “What are they saying?” It’s a secret.
Dan: So, that’s going on September 4th at 7:00 PM. Again, $90 a ticket. And I think this is kind of where scotch really kind of starts to, I don’t know if I want to say crest the hill-
Chris: Crest the hill.
Dan: But 21 to me is when scotch really starts to get good.
Chris: The turtle pokes his head out.
Kevin: What?
Chris: I don’t know.
Dan: If we’re going with that analogy, it would be when it snaps at you.
Chris: Yeah, all right. All right. Fair.
Dan: 15 and 18, the head’s kind of poking out a little bit. 21 is when it snaps at you.
Chris: Snaps at you.
Matt: [inaudible 00:02:08].
Dan: 25 is when it got the tip-
Chris: That’s a snapper.
Matt: That sounds a lot like the poop I took yesterday.
Dan: Oh yeah?
Matt: Yeah. Oh, yeah.
Dan: Wow.
Matt: The head was out. Definitely.
Chris: Little tire streaks.
Matt: Oh, man. It was like I was wiping a marker.
Chris: That’s so funny. [inaudible 00:02:22].
Dan: We went to the Iowa State Fair on Thursday. My niece and her husband, we all went and yeah, we had a very more blatant conversation than I’ve ever had with him. He’s obviously new to the family.
Matt: How old?
Dan: They’re 20, early 20s.
Matt: So, they’re kids still.
Dan: Yeah.
Matt: Okay.
Dan: About pooping your pants.
Matt: It’s so embarrassing.
Dan: Because I’m honest like that with my niece. We’ve always been like that. We just laugh and joke about that stuff and I’m like, “Listen, I mean, you’re getting to the age where actually you might be to the age, have you mistrusted a fart yet?” And she goes, “Yeah, I was in class one day and …”
Chris: That sucks.
Dan: “I had to dismiss myself to clean myself up,” and she turns her husband and goes, “What about you? Have you mistrusted a fart yet?” And he goes, “Oh, I just did that last week.”
Matt: Oh, Jesus. Wow.
Chris: Welcome to your family. You are so in.
Dan: All right then. And he goes, “Yeah, I also the bed a couple of weeks ago, but that was more alcohol induced.” And I’m like, “Wow. Just going right to it.”
Chris: We are so much alike.
Matt: We’re just sharing a lot today.
Dan: Yeah. He just went right for it. I think it was a long day at the Iowa State Fair just brings out the honest in you.
Matt: It could. I’ve been there once and it’s an experience.
Dan: Oh my God. Such a beautiful time.
Matt: I saw the butter cow.
Dan: Yeah?
Matt: Did you know they make a different one every year?
Dan: Oh, yeah. I saw the history of it in the Iowa State Fair Museum.
Chris: Of course you did. Of course you did.
Matt: The history of it. Yeah, they do have the little pictures and stuff up.
Mark: How many pounds of butter does it take to make a butter cow?
Dan: I didn’t see that many. It’s a big fucking … But it’s not whole.
Matt: It’s like a small life size.
Dan: It’s like a paper mache.
Mark: Oh, and they covered it with butter?
Dan: Yeah yeah.
Matt: It’s still a lot of butter.
Chris: I thought it was fully butter.
Dan: I thought so too. I assumed as much.
Matt: It’d be cool if, when you were waiting in line, they passed out crackers
Dan: Or it’s like Sarah suggested, an ear of sweet corn.
Chris: Ooh, you just stick it in mouth?
Dan: Yeah, rub the-
Matt: The udders. Rub it on the udders.
Dan: Moo.
Matt: Udder, and giant nipples.
Chris: That’s a great idea.
Matt: Cow [inaudible 00:04:23].
Dan: There was a social media post that I was not able to confirm whether it was true or not, but there was a butter Caitlin Clark.
Chris: I did hear that. I did hear that.
Dan: We did not see it. If it was there, it was not in the same area as the butter cow.
Matt: Someone had already probably fouled it.
Dan: Maybe.
Mark: They made it, and it didn’t get invited to the fair.
Matt: Yeah, it’s in a barn a block away. It’s by the shed.
Dan: I tell everybody I go for the food, because the food is on point.
Matt: Interesting.
Dan: The truth is you go for the people watching.
Matt: Oh, it’s like going to Walmart when they used to be open 24 hours and you go in at 2:00 AM-
Dan: Yeah, or the airport. I love to go and sit outside of terminals and just watch people walk through.
Matt: Dude, Atlanta’s great for that.
Dan: Oh, yeah.
Matt: You get the big international ones, you get some freak shows walking around.
Dan: That’s about the only time that I sit and stare with my mouth wide open-
Matt: Just agape.
Dan: I’m just like, no wonder.
Matt: Mouth breather.
Dan: No wonder. But my favorite story from the Iowa State Fair years ago, we just walked into the entrance and we were coming up that main walkway where a lot of the food stands are, and this two ladies walked in front of me and I’m not trying to be judgemental or …
Matt: But you’re going to be.
Dan: They were five bills easy.
Matt: Wow.
Dan: They were doing that, not necessarily taking a step, but just like …
Matt: Shuffling?
Dan: Yeah.
Chris: Smoke popping out from behind them.
Dan: In one hand-
Matt: Did they have a camera crew following them?
Kevin: So warm. So warm.
Dan: In one hand, they had a pork chop on a stick. In the other hand, they had what I can only assume to be a fried cheese on a stick. Could’ve been a fried twinkie on a stick.
Matt: Ooh, dessert.
Dan: It was definitely fried and looking delicious. And as she crossed in front of me, she said, “It’s okay. Today’s my cheat day.”
Matt: Wow. Whoa.
Dan: I turned to Sarah and had a complete my dad moment and I said, “I don’t think today was her only cheat day.” She then slapped me and said, “They can hear you.” And I said, “I’m pretty sure she couldn’t.”
Chris: Sarah slapped you?
Matt: Her ears are full of butter.
Dan: Yeah. She just kind of smacked … Not like aggressive smack upside the head. She just kind of whacked my arm.
Matt: Uppercut him in the stomach.
Chris: I mean, Dan, we can talk. If you’re abused at home, we can [inaudible 00:06:40].
Dan: Blink twice.
Matt: I can get you a phone number to call.
Chris: I’ll make her throw up.
Dan: No. Yeah, yeah, that’s easy. I haven’t done that in a while. I’m going to have to try that tonight.
Chris: You should. I swear I still go back to that probably once every month. Go back to that couple that … Oh, man. It’s great. Why can’t she be like that lady?
Dan: She’s got to be better spirited about it. Mark’s the same way. It’s Mark … [inaudible 00:07:03]. We haven’t even done anything and Mark’s going to … What are you thinking about over here?
Matt: Wow. That was wow.
Dan: So, the next Whiskey Wednesday coming up September 4th. How was your guys’ weekends?
Chris: This shit’s hilarious.
Dan: Matt?
Matt: Mine was great. I went golfing on Sunday.
Dan: Did some things.
Matt: Golfed all right, was happy, beautiful weather.
Dan: By the way, anybody that owns stock in the Benson Golf Course should sell immediately. Their quarterly profits are going to drop because Evan is taking a three-week break.
Matt: He is. Evan’s struggling with his golf right now and he thinks that he might be golfed out a little bit, but he still brought lunch yesterday, so that was cool.
Dan: He did. I mean, for as much shit as I give him, I really do love that guy.
Matt: He’s a good dude.
Dan: He’s an awesome guy. And by the way, if you ever drive him home drunk from the bar, you will go home with meat from his freezer.
Matt: Oh, yeah.
Chris: Awesome.
Matt: Take this steak, Dan.
Dan: Can I get you some steak?
Matt: Would you like a roast?
Dan: Apparently it’s a thing. Sarah and I didn’t realize, the night we drove him home, we came back and I bartended the next day on Sunday, one of the days I actually work, and Missy goes, “Did he offer you steak as a payment?” I said, “Yes.” She goes, “Yeah. He does that to everybody.”
Matt: He does.
Dan: I thought it was just me.
Matt: He does, and he tries to sell it too. He sells the hamburger and stuff.
Dan: Great guy. Great guy. So, you golfed?
Matt: I golfed and then I came up here and did a little bit of drinking and then I went home and slept for a lot of hours.
Dan: Nice. Beautiful. Nice. Yeah, it was a nice calm day. Oh, you forgot that …
Matt: Oh, I did forget. Sorry, dude.
Dan: Sorry, Chris. That’s yours too.
Matt: My bad.
Mark: How can you do a whiskey podcast and at least not taste whiskey? What are you going to talk about?
Dan: I can still drive the bus when I unmute everybody.
Matt: Sometimes. As long as I-
Dan: I’ve found plenty so far in this seven minute open.
Matt: It’s true. He’s a talker.
Dan: I had to redo the math because the first nine minutes …
Mark: Were gone.
Dan: … are getting deleted.
Matt: Well, it was just you.
Dan: Yeah. Just me. That’s how I do a podcast about whiskey is I just leave my microphone on.
Matt: Me, merp, merp.
Dan: Beep boop. All right. Should we drink some whiskey?
Matt: Sure.
Mark: I’m going to. You are not.
Dan: I’m not.
GlenDronach 12yr
Mark: GlenDronach 12. It’s a highland whiskey, finish in Oloroso sherry casks, and Pedro Ximénez casks.
Dan: Yeah. I love that Pedro Ximénez. But you didn’t have as much energy this time,
Matt: Which I do find it funny on the label, it says the Pedro Ximénez casks from Spain.
Mark: Where else they could be from-
Matt: With the name like-
Mark: Where else could they be from?
Matt: With a name like Pedro Ximénez, I’m pretty sure he’s not German.
Dan: You never know.
Matt: He’s a transplant?
Dan: Yeah.
Matt: Got kicked out of Spain.
Dan: They hired some really good German distiller and changed his name to Pedro Ximénez.
Matt: From Hans.
Dan: Yeah.
Matt: From Hans Gruber.
Mark: I was just going to say that, dammit.
Dan: Good times. Glen-
Matt: Everyone loves a Die Hard reference.
Dan: GlenDronach?
Mark: GlenDronach 12. This is the entry level for GlenDronach. Their core is a 12, a 15, and an 18. The reason I decided to do this is because this happens to be a scotch distillery that is owned by Brown Foreman. Yes, the same Brown Foreman-
Dan: That fucking nose. That nose.
Matt: Yep. Brown Foreman that’s known for bourbon. Oh, man. The palate.
Chris: Is it good? Is it good?
Mark: Yes.
Dan: Did they start it or just take it over?
Mark: They bought it. It’s one of the older distilleries that was bought by Brown Foreman in ’09-ish.
Dan: Man, that nose is beautiful.
Matt: You should try some. Do it, Dan. One little sip.
Dan: I promised I wouldn’t.
Chris: Dan.
Matt: You promised who? Who’d you promise, Dan?
Chris: Dan.
Dan: Sarah.
Matt: Well, she doesn’t listen to this anyways.
Mark: Well, I won’t tell her if you don’t.
Chris: Why?
Dan: Huh?
Chris: Why?
Dan: She thought it would be a good idea. She said, “You should probably take a-”
Chris: What’d you ask her to do?
Dan: She stopped drinking also.
Matt: She fingers his butt hole.
Mark: For a twelve-year-old cheap, value price scotch.
Dan: I have a feeling that just to rub it in, every one of these are going to be amazing.
Matt: You could make today your cheat day, Dan.
Chris: There’s some nice …
Matt: This could be your pork chop on a stick.
Chris: There’s a nice burnt something, but not like char. Or roasted. Maybe roasted is probably a better term.
Matt: Kind of like a toasted-
Chris: Like a roasted fruit, or toasted or something.
Matt: Like the burn on the outside of a toasted marshmallow.
Chris: Yeah. Something like that.
Matt: This is fantastic.
Mark: The distillery was founded, in answer to your question, 1826.
Chris: Oh, yeah.
Dan: 1826? Wow.
Mark: That’s really good.
Matt: Wow. Sorry, Dan. I mean, there’s a little left in there.
Mark: For a $65-75 bottle of scotch, that is really good.
Matt: Yep. Here it is. $12 for a full pour.
Dan: Nice. Got about half a bottle left. Easily available?
Mark: The 12 is. We’re having a hard time in Nebraska getting the 15 and 18.
Dan: Yeah.
Mark: Ow.
Dan: Careful now.
Matt: That was my elbow
Dan: GlenDronach 12 year.
Matt: Oh, that is so good.
Dan: Smells delicious. You know what, this water.
Matt: Refreshing, hydrating.
Dan: Oh, you can really taste those minerals.
Matt: Is that just regular tap water?
Dan: Yep.
Matt: Can you taste the bleach?
Dan: Is that what I’m getting?
Matt: Well, you know that during the floods they were dumping raw sewage into the Missouri River, because no one could get out to the little thing-
Dan: I didn’t know that.
Matt: … and release. So, don’t go in the Missouri River.
Dan: I can’t even tell you-
Chris: I haven’t been to the Missouri River in decades.
Dan: I’m not entirely sure I’ve ever been on the Missouri River.
Chris: I have. I’ve water-skied on it, which is really scary, by the way.
Mark: It is. It’s the dumbest thing ever. You know there’s a boat between you and that log.
Chris: I never hit any logs. I did see some logs.
Dan: I remember one of the times we went down to the Ozarks and my niece was talking … She’s, at the time, maybe eight or nine years old-
Matt: Is this the same pooping niece?
Dan: Yeah, same one that I don’t think that story made it …
Matt: Oh, dammit.
Dan: I can’t remember at this point.
Matt: Well, it’s staying with me.
Dan: Anyways, she’s like, “The water …” You know with water-skiing, you get it up your nose, you get it in your mouth. The water tastes weird. And I go, “Yeah, that’s fish piss.” She kind of laughed, because I’m the uncle that says the weird things. And then she slowly realized that that’s probably what the taste is.
Matt: Maybe a touch of E. coli.
Dan: Yeah. Yeah. Probably a little bit of human pee too.
Matt: I bet there’s a good amount.
Dan: I’m not fucking waiting to go to the bathroom. I’m jumping in the lake.
Matt: Well, I’ve just peed off the back of the boat. There’s pictures. Someone come drive the boat. I got to pee.
Mark: Did they use the zoom?
Matt: No, it’s of my back.
Mark: Oh, okay.
Matt: Because I’m all the way on the back of the boat. They would’ve had to have been sitting on the motor, which with that group, you never know.
Dan: You never know.
Matt: Ooh, it vibrates. So nice.
Chris: I’m going to save that one for later.
Dan: Whiskey number two. That is the Glenronach. No, you poured the other one in there. Nevermind. GlenDronach.
Mark: Correct. This is the GlenDronach.
Glenlivet 21yr
Dan: What’s the next one? Aw. Glenlivet 21. Goddammit, you did this on purpose.
Chris: Yes, he did. That’s hilarious.
Matt: Just wait until next week.
Dan: Oh, good news is I can come for the whiskey tasting because that’s been my 30 days.
Mark: Yeah, but you never do. So, what’s going to change now?
Dan: That’ll be post-race season, so I may actually have time.
Matt: Ooh.
Chris: That’s bubble gummy. That’s really good.
Dan: Mark, do you want to tell us about Glenlivet 21?
Mark: Can I take a sip first?
Chris: L-I-V-E-T. I’m Livet.
Mark: It is matured in three different sherry casks or three different casks. Oloroso sherry, Troncais oak cognac cask, and Colheita port casks.
Dan: Wow.
Matt: That is a mouthful.
Mark: Yes, it is. Especially when you can’t talk anyway. That’s really good. Apricot on the finish. Got some little bit of baking spice on the finish also. Ginger.
Matt: Like candied, like sweet ginger.
Mark: Yes.
Matt: That’s really good. Sorry, Dan.
Dan: It’s okay. I know how good it is. I’ve drank a bottle of it.
Chris: The 21?
Dan: Yeah.
Matt: Isn’t that what your old boss used to get you?
Dan: Was it the 21? It was the 25.
Matt: Oh, was it the 25? Wow.
Dan: If I won the sales contest, she had to buy me any bottle of whiskey I wanted. She thought I would stick with somewhere like a $60-80 bottle. I think-
Mark: No, you hit that $500 bottle hard.
Dan: Yeah. Listen, I made that company, in that sales contest, I sold $280,000 worth of advertising in one day.
Matt: Just to Mark.
Dan: Huh?
Matt: I said just to Mark.
Dan: Yeah.
Matt: That’s a lot of advertising.
Dan: Yeah. It was a good day for me.
Chris: I think I like the other one better.
Matt: It’s so good.
Dan: Really?
Matt: What?
Chris: I do. I mean this is great, don’t get me wrong, but I like the taste profiles … I don’t know, maybe let me taste them again.
Matt: Do it. Do it, do it. I think this Glenlivet 21 is outstanding.
Chris: I agree with you, it is outstanding. I just …
Matt: See, I think the GlenDronach is really, really good.
Chris: This one, it’s a full palate, meaning this Glenlivet, there’s less on the tip, like right away. What’s the … The start of it. I don’t know-
Matt: The front end.
Chris: The front end is very, very light, I guess is probably the best word. That’s a really bad descriptor, but there’s more flavor out of the second one all throughout the palate versus the Glenlivet. Glenlivet stays with you longer than this, but if we’re doing the full scope of the palate, for me this GlenDronach, it’s everything.
Mark: The GlenDronach is a little more …
Chris: Thick?
Mark: Fruit.
Chris: Thick, I guess.
Kevin: Which one is which?
Mark: It stays on your palate longer and it’s fruitier.
Chris: Yeah.
Mark: They’re both really good.
Chris: You’re right. Yes, both are outstanding.
Dan: The GlenDronach’s nose is far more fruity than the Glenlivet.
Mark: Yes.
Matt: It’s all of it.
Mark: But you can buy five bottles … I’m doing my math. Five or six bottles of the GlenDronach-
Dan: Doing what?
Chris: What he said.
Dan: Me, me, math.
Matt: I think he turned into a cat for a second.
Mark: You get between five and six bottles of GlenDronach for one bottle of the Glenlivet. That being the case, I’ll take the six bottles of GlenDronach.
Matt: Yes. Bang for the buck, the GlenDronach definitely wins. But the Glenlivet, I would … It’s definitely pretty far up there in the line at the gang bang.
Chris: Sure.
Matt: Like second or third.
Chris: I’m not mad that I poured Dan’s in my glass.
Matt: I wouldn’t be.
Chris: This is really good.
Dan: Don’t worry. In September, I’ll drink it as my shift drink.
Mark: No, you won’t.
Dan: Not the 21, the GlenDronach.
Mark: That, you can.
Dan: Yeah, I wouldn’t drink the 21. That’s too special. I’ve had that. I know what that’s like. It’s delicious.
Mark: Most of my bartenders are fairly reasonable on what they have for a shift drink except one.
Dan: Me?
Mark: No.
Dan: Oh, what is the-
Matt: Not me.
Mark: No.
Dan: If I remember correctly in my training, and I probably don’t. Is it keep your shift drink under $20?
Mark: That’s a pretty nice shift drink, but yes.
Dan: Yeah.
Mark: I would say $15, but-
Dan: 15, okay. So Matt, is that an ounce for that Glenlivet 21?
Matt: Yes, it is $25 an ounce.
Dan: Oh, so that’s a definite no no.
Mark: It’s also going up. We just bought a new bottle.
Dan: Really?
Mark: We bought a new bottle in.
Dan: I’m not saying really to you. I’m saying really to Glenlivet because when I first started buying it, it was $225 a bottle.
Mark: Add 100.
Dan: Jesus. Goddammit. I was going to buy a bottle just to have it back in my collection, but never-fucking-mind. Thanks, Obama.
Matt: I blame COVID.
Dan: I blame Obama. Are we done blaming Obama?
Matt: I can’t-
Dan: Or can we still blame him?
Matt: I can’t blame him anymore.
Dan: Okay.
Matt: You can’t blame everything on him.
Mark: It’s bad when after eight years later you start wishing Obama was back. We got four years of Trump and four years of Biden. Oh my God.
Dan: Staring down the barrel of a 45-
Chris: Fucking cannon. No, like a Howitzer. He is not good.
Dan: Hey, things could be worse. We could be in Russia.
Matt: It’s true.
Chris: This is true.
Dan: I mean, they’re losing a war against a country-
Chris: It’s true.
Matt: Country of farmers.
Dan: [inaudible 00:22:13].
Chris: Let’s be honest, we could be anywhere but the United States and …
Dan: I mean, France is having troubles-
Chris: It’s not as good.
Dan: Great Britain’s having troubles or the UK, they’re having riots.
Chris: Let’s all move to the Middle East. It’s happening over there.
Dan: I can’t take the heat.
Matt: So get out of the kitchen.
Chris: It’s dry. It’s dry. It’s dry heat.
Dan: I don’t care.
Chris: It’s dry heat.
Dan: Mark, are you aware that we do a podcast every day from 11:00-
Mark: I told her at 10:00, we’re doing-
Dan: Turn your ringer off.
Chris: She’s trying to make you cry.
Dan: Good luck.
Chris: I know. You are-
Matt: You have to have a soul.
Dan: Yeah. No could.
Chris: I don’t cry.
Dan: All right, so we’ve had GlenDronach 12 year and Glenlivet 21. Would I venture to say that the panel believes that the 12 year is probably a better value?
Matt: Yes.
Chris: 100%.
Matt: Definitely.
Dan: Better overall than the 21 of Glenlivet?
Matt: I like the 21 better.
Mark: Podcast.
Dan: Hi. Welcome back.
Mark: I’m texting Moe-
Dan: Step away. Come on.
Chris: And he said it so seriously.
Dan: I got a stitch.
Matt: Oh, wow. That’s just wrong. What a dick.
Dan: Mark-
Chris: I mean, I didn’t say it, Mark wasn’t going to say it.
Dan: I know.
Chris: Fair.
Dan: He just glares at me.
Chris: He’s glaring at me now.
Dan: What do you like better? The 21 or the 12? Just overall, which is the better of the scotches?
Mark: Price not being a factor?
Matt: Nope.
Dan: Yeah.
Mark: The Glenlivet, hands down.
Dan: Yeah. Chris?
Chris: I mean, I’ve already said, I really like this 12.
Dan: Yeah.
Chris: Is it better? Probably not. But for me, I would buy the 12.
Dan: Yeah. If money’s a factor, we’re all buying cases of 12-
Matt: Definitely.
Dan: … before we buy the 21.
Matt: I’ll probably just buy two bottles.
Chris: I would never stick my nose up to this stuff.
Matt: Wow.
Dan: I thought that was going a different direction.
Matt: I thought we were going a Teddy route. Never go eyeballs deep.
Dan: Yeah. By the way, it’s turning into a little bit of a naughty Sunday in here with-
Mark: Well, my response to anybody that has a problem with it is then don’t bring your fucking dog because my dog’s going to be here.
Dan: Nobody’s got a problem with it.
Matt: No.
Dan: So, the Shrocks keep bringing their new great dane-
Matt: Lady Mac and Cheese.
Dan: … and Teddy is in love.
Chris: Lady Mac and Cheese.
Matt: Yeah. She is a pretty dog.
Chris: That’s awesome.
Matt: Yeah. Her name is Lady Mac and Cheese.
Dan: He’s in love. All right. Whiskey number three. Matt, what do you got for us?
Yellowstone Landmark Edition
Matt: This is a Yellowstone from the Landmark Editions, a 46.5%, 93 proof. It’s out of Limestone Branch Distillery in Lebanon, Kentucky, which they’re on their seventh generation distiller.
Dan: Would you call this Yellowstone Select?
Matt: This is out of their Landmark Edition, which I think the only thing different about each bottle is the label art and this is a six bottle set they put out to commemorate things in Yellowstone National Park.
Dan: Nothing to do with the TV show.
Matt: No, this was around. They’ve been around 150 years.
Dan: Has anybody watched Yellowstone, the TV show?
Matt: I have not.
Chris: No. I have not yet.
Dan: I have a slight resistance to it. Don’t really care to watch it.
Mark: Speak of TV shows. First of all, shocked that Chris has not seen Breaking Bad.
Dan: Miller?
Mark: Yeah.
Dan: Or [inaudible 00:26:07]?
Chris: And me. And me.
Matt: I’ve never seen it.
Chris: I’ve only gotten through maybe first season.
Mark: But it’s so good.
Chris: I know. I know. I know. I know it is. I know it is.
Dan: I think what sets a lot of people back is that it is a slower show compared to what we’ve got today. I compare it to Sopranos to the Godfather. Godfather is a really slow mobster movie and Sopranos moves a lot quicker, so it’s more conducive to today’s viewing.
Mark: Maybe I liked it so much because I never watched Breaking Bad when it came out because I was working in a bar every night.
Dan: Yeah.
Chris: Sure.
Mark: And once I stopped bartending at night, someone said, “You really need to watch this.” And then we did the entire Breaking Bad, however many seasons it was, in like three months.
Dan: Yeah. The other side of that is that it is such an amazing show for character development.
Matt: Which I also live in the Midwest, so I get to see meth culture every day of my life.
Dan: But it’s so amazing to watch the character change from Walter White to Heisenberg and all the characters that they’ve got on that show, how they develop. And then have you watched Better Call Saul?
Matt: Mm-hmm.
Dan: Yeah. That’s the same way. It’s so fascinating and it’s a prequel series, but you really have to watch Breaking Bad first to begin to understand the way that Better Call Saul develops because the entire what, four, five, six seasons of Better Call Saul, you’re waiting for him to turn into Saul Goodman and you’re watching that slow development. If you like that kind of stuff, it’s just such an amazingly written show.
Mark: The order you need to watch is Breaking Bad, El Camino and then Better Call Saul.
Chris: What’s El Camino?
Dan: El Camino is a movie that Vince Gilligan put out that basically wraps up the Breaking Bad storyline.
Matt: Womp, womp.
Chris: When did that come out?
Dan: Maybe two, three years ago.
Chris: Dang.
Dan: It’s on Netflix.
Chris: How long since Breaking Bad’s been out? It’s got to be a decade, right? By now.
Dan: Since it came out. I don’t think it’s been a decade since it’s been done.
Chris: Not since it’s been done, but since the first season.
Dan: Let’s see. First season …
Chris: 2008 is when it started. Wow. Shit. That’s a long time ago.
Mark: Well, it was eight seasons, wasn’t it?
Chris: Five?
Dan: It lasted until 2013.
Mark: Oh, so you’re right. Only five.
Dan: Five seasons. But they did some stuff where instead of it being every fall or whatever, the new season would come out, sometimes they waited a year and a half to release the next season because they were busy. I think writer strike and …
Matt: Stuff.
Dan: … actor strike and-
Matt: Stuff going on.
Dan: Yeah.
Matt: Ellen
Dan: Awesome TV series. By the way, anybody looking for something else to watch on Netflix, I highly recommend the Three-Body Problem. Very scientific-
Chris: That might be … Yeah. It is very scientific, and it might screw some people up. As far as people are going to hate it if they’re not into super sci-fi like that is.
Dan: Yeah, I don’t don’t think it’s super sci-fi. I put it in the same category as like Interstellar, where Interstellar didn’t dumb down the science. The science is what it is. They presented it and then they went with it. And I think Three-Body Problem does that a lot too. Awesome show. Hard to get into, again, because first couple of seasons are all about 1960s China, so you’re seeing a lot of subtitles, and I don’t like to read that much.
Mark: I used to have a customer, still do, but doesn’t come in as much, but huge into movies and we generally agree about movies, but he doesn’t mind reading movies. I hate subtitles. I will turn a movie off if there’s too many subtitles.
Matt: Well, if I wanted to read, I’d get a book.
Dan: Yeah. It took me, like I said, until it caught me the third episode, I’d have to go back and watch the first two episodes to get that beginning story again. But it was about the third episode when I started actually really enjoying it.
Chris: You’re missing out on some really awesome …
Matt: Whiskey.
Chris: … Whiskey and overseas, other language movies. There’s some really good shit.
Mark: Well my problem is, how do I know how well that guy’s acting?
Chris: Sure, sure.
Mark: He’s just a great actor. How do I know? I’m reading his words.
Chris: Who are these dudes that they get to do the English dub version of them, if it’s like a Bollywood?
Mark: Oh, I definitely won’t watch dub movies.
Dan: Dubbed over doesn’t bother me as much as subtitle.
Chris: Listen-
Matt: I will only Godzilla movies.
Chris: Listen, honestly since Howie’s been born and he’s had to be quiet and that’s when I watch TV, I have subtitles on my TV. Jen hates it, Howie hates it, but it’s like, “Hey, dude. You guys don’t want me to be loud, then I’m going to fricken read this.”
Dan: I have subtitles on everything too.
Mark: Why don’t you get Bluetooth for TV and listen to it on your ear pods?
Chris: Because it’s too much. They can suck it up. They can learn to read.
Dan: I have subtitles on just because sometimes you can’t understand what the actor’s saying-
Chris: Yeah, the accents.
Dan: So then, you rewind it and go back and listen and read it. But for me, subtitles is, I like to see the action on the screen while I’m here. Can we seriously just turn the ringer off?
Chris: No.
Mark: I don’t know how.
Dan: You can turn the ringer off.
Chris: But if the fans-
Mark: That was spam. That was not my fault.
Chris: If the fans of the show are following along, they can do shots every time they hear Moe’s call.
Matt: It’s the Moe drinking game.
Chris: So, now she’s calling Chris.
Dan: No, that’s Neil.
Mark: No. Only one of those calls was Moe.
Dan: Okay. Anyways, yeah, because I’m busy reading the lines rather than watching the action on the TV.
Chris: Sure. Yeah, yeah.
Dan: So, that’s the reason why I don’t like subtitles. But anyways. Three-Body Problem, really fricken good.
Mark: Do the bourbon, Matt.
Dan: Matt, tell me more … We didn’t really talk much about Yellowstone.
Matt: This is the commemorative 150th anniversary of the distillery. They did a six bottle release, and it is rumored that it is just their regular 93 proof. Which I don’t care because this shit is really good.
Dan: It’s good. It’s good.
Chris: Isn’t Yellowstone, the distiller, have something to do with … Oh my gosh. What’s the name of the one in the Irish-American … Keeper’s Heart.
Dan: Oh, Keeper’s Heart.
Chris: Didn’t he collab with Brian Nation or something? There was something with Yellowstone where they-
Dan: I thought … West.
Chris: Oh, High West.
Dan: High West.
Chris: Yeah, yeah, yeah. All right. Cool.
Dan: I mean, if we have to mark this and delete it, but isn’t that basically the whiskey, the American rye they-
Chris: Yeah, I think so. Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Dan: … they blend with.
Chris: It was something like that.
Dan: They don’t talk about it because of whatever contracts or whatever, but they’ve got a partnership with High West, I believe.
Chris: All right, cool. Yeah, I knew it was one of those cowboy whiskies. Old west whiskies.
Dan: Can I smell?
Chris: Sure.
Matt: Glug glug glug glug. Geez. Our phones are going crazy.
Chris: [inaudible 00:33:35] mom and dad, you’ve got to answer that one.
Dan: That was number four for anybody that’s counting.
Chris: Yeah, so four shots deep.
Mark: That was my 85 year old mother calling about her medical condition.
Dan: If she was 83, would you have not taken the phone call?
Mark: No, she’s actually only 83. Sorry. My dad is 85.
Dan: Jesus. I’m going to delete that part. We don’t need your mom mad at us. She already had to clean the oil out of the popcorn machine.
Mark: She did mention that.
Matt: Wow.
Dan: And by the way, those of you that are confused about what I’m talking about, that was in the original nine minutes.
Matt: Yep. You don’t get to hear it.
Dan: All right, so Yellowstone Landmark Edition, 150 year distillery. Is there an age statement on it? Did I miss that?
Matt: No, I don’t think there is. I do not think there is, but this is the Roosevelt Arch Edition.
Chris: So, we should do a segment on the show about how stupid some hackers are. I just got this email. Its title is $2 Dash, $3 at US Foods. Hi, Chris. I came across your profile and believe we have an opportunity that matches your on-premise sales and food services experience. Here are some key details about the role which pays $2-3.
Kevin: That’s it?
Matt: You should jump on that.
Chris: I should totally hit this button that says I should apply for that one that pays me $2-3. This is true.
Matt: Wow.
Dan: Wow.
Matt: I mean, not us.
Dan: I’ll delete that.
Chris: New business manager, Omaha, Lincoln and Grand Island area.
Matt: For $2-3?
Chris: $2-3, and the alerts at is the email address.
Dan: Yeah. Definitely jump on that. By the way, that reminds me that if you have ever had concerns about your Facebook page being hacked, you can go to my computer company’s Facebook page-
Mark: Didn’t we do this already once?
Dan: It was in the original nine minutes-
Chris: The original nine minutes.
Dan: But I need people to watch that video and buy computers from me, so standby for a couple more minutes while I do the spiel again.
Matt: Spiel
Dan: Did a whole video about how you could secure your Facebook account. It’s really, really easy. You add extra authentication systems, whether it be text message-
Chris: I think I did all that.
Dan: … email or an app. I would add all three. You can also change your password. That is one of the aspects that I did in the video of how to make your password more complicated and still easy to remember. Much more difficult for hackers to get into. So, take 10 minutes. It’s like a 35 minute video because I also talk about algorithms and how to make sure Facebook is feeding you the content you want to see rather than don’t want to see.
Chris: If you don’t want to get your password hacked, have it more than 12 digits. It’s that simple. That’s what most of the security experts are saying is if you have it more than 12 digits, there’s not a program out there that can run through it and get it. Even if you do 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12. Even if you put in that or password 1, 2, 3, 4 or whatever it is, to get up to 12, right?
Dan: Yeah. Add letters and symbols. I mean that makes it really-
Chris: Impossible.
Dan: That makes more difficult too.
Chris: Not impossible but …
Dan: And I always do stuff, I create a phrase that I like and then I change …
Chris: The O to zero.
Dan: Yeah, the E to a three, the A to an at stuff like that.
Matt: So like a 12 year old.
Dan: Yep. Easy-
Chris: I have a certain phrase and then I just change the numbers around.
Dan: Yeah. Easy way to secure your Facebook profile. Just make sure to watch that video and share it out if you guys could, please.
Matt: I have a padlock.
Dan: Tailored Computers and Repair. Hey, there’s a rye in front of me. I like rye.
Matt: I know. Pickles.
Dan: This is our unopened treasure of the week.
Nelson Bros Rye
Matt: Yes. This is something that I’ve had some guys that have been coming in the last few weeks and have been drinking this stuff and they just rave about it, so I figured let’s give her a go. Because I don’t think I’ve ever had the Nelson Brothers Rye, which it’s $45-55 a bottle, 46.25% or 92.5 proof and it is made by Nelson’s Greenbrier Distillery, in the United States.
Dan: Wow. This is the second week in a row we’ve had a Chaz. Did we do a Nelson Brothers last week?
Matt: No.
Dan: What did we do last week that brought up Chaz?
Chris: Chaz?
Dan: Because then Mark made the comment of typically Chaz is short for Charles.
Matt: The race car driver.
Dan: Oh God, no. We wouldn’t have a race car driver named Chaz.
Mark: No. No.
Matt: This shit’s fantastic.
Chris: And they definitely wouldn’t have a mullet.
Matt: Probably the old school windshield type sunglasses. Bright yellow.
Dan: Possibly. Oh, Murray and McDavid. I think that might’ve been Chaz. There was a Chaz-
Chris: Yeah. That’s the one that I asked if his name was Murray McDavid and it’s Murray and McDavid or whatever.
Matt: I really like this.
Dan: Good stuff? Matt likes it.
Matt: I think it’s excellent.
Dan: Chris.
Chris: I like the nose.
Matt: It’s a rye that doesn’t … You know it’s a rye but it doesn’t scream at you.
Chris: It’s definitely got that rye spice though. Dammit. Here you go, Matt.
Dan: Mark not a fan?
Mark: No. Too spicy.
Matt: Mark’s not a big rye drinker.
Chris: It is pretty spicy.
Dan: And that’s why I think the reason why rye hasn’t really taken off with the bourbon, is it’s-
Matt: It can be really in your face.
Kevin: Sorry.
Dan: But I do like that. Every once in a while, I really enjoy that flavor bomb that rye can produce.
Matt: Which this is a rye, corn, barley mash bill.
Chris: This would make a great Manhattan.
Matt: It would make a great cocktail.
Chris: Great cocktail.
Matt: It doesn’t give you any of the percentages.
Dan: How much for a pour?
Matt: This is …
Chris: $9.
Matt: … like $9.
Dan: Two and a quarter ounce pour?
Matt: Big old, full pour.
Dan: That is our four whiskeys for today. This is actually turning out to be a little bit of a shorter episode.
Matt: It’s because we went the extra nine minutes.
Chris: Because we didn’t record.
Dan: Even with the extra nine minutes, yeah, we’re still about 10 minutes short.
Matt: What do you want to talk about?
Dan: What do you got? Mark, how are the Dodgers?
Mark: They’re basically tied for the best record in Major League Baseball. The problem is two other teams in their division are right below them.
Matt: And St. Louis handed it to them yesterday.
Mark: They did.
Matt: They did.
Dan: They did?
Chris: How’s Cincinnati doing?
Matt: Yeah, the Reds.
Dan: I thought the St. Louis brothers said … No use. They suck.
Chris: Are they going to make it?
Matt: They said that the goal for them was for St. Louis to beat the Dodgers at least once so they can give Mark shit about it. Which after the game they both stood up and turned around and looked right at this seat. I was like, “Sorry fellas, he’s gone.” They’re like, “Shit, because they just gave it to them.” Well, it happens every once in a while.
Dan: Every once in a while.
Matt: To the new Yankees.
Dan: Yeah. Are they going to be … I’m not trying to poke fun. I’m really trying to remember. They got bounced out pretty quickly in the playoffs last year, right?
Matt: Yes.
Dan: Yes? Okay.
Matt: Yes.
Dan: Are you feeling confident than you are last year or is last year lingering? You’re a little worried.
Mark: I always worry. Last year they got bounced by a team in their own division that they had beat 17 out of 19 times and they get to the first round and they get bounced in straight games.
Matt: Yeah. They get swept out, which is-
Dan: Just bad players or injuries?
Matt: They looked like they had their shoes on the wrong feet, they were throwing with the wrong hand-
Mark: They just couldn’t play.
Dan: Oh my God.
Mark: The fact that the Dodgers have as good a record as they do, considering that at one point they had 19 players on the IL, including four all-stars.
Dan: Wow.
Mark: And we’re still winning games.
Dan: How are the Bengals looking, Chris?
Chris: Solid preseason. Can’t really judge anything. The time that Joe Burrow played, he was flawless.
Matt: Which the Bengals just got beat by someone, didn’t they?
Chris: We’ve lost every single preseason game-
Matt: Preseason.
Chris: Yeah. Bears. We lost to the Bears pretty bad.
Matt: That’s what it was.
Dan: Did he-
Chris: He did not play in the Bears game.
Dan: Did he complete a pass throwing behind his back to his tight end?
Matt: No, but Pat Mahomes sure did.
Chris: No, he did not.
Dan: Patrick Mahomes did.
Chris: I know he didn’t.
Matt: They say that’s not a real play. [inaudible 00:42:35].
Chris: He was mad at Travis is what I read, and that’s why he did it.
Dan: Did you see Travis’s response? Well, I couldn’t understand him, you’ve all heard him talk.
Matt: Oh my God.
Dan: I was walking up to the huddle and I heard, ah, ah, ah. So, I walked up to the line trying to figure out what the play was and he snapped it, and I just ran.
Matt: I think he sounds like Kermit the Frog.
Chris: Do you think they’re going to repeat?
Dan: I think they’ve got the best chance.
Chris: To win the Super Bowl?
Dan: Yeah. I think they’ve got the best chance to three-peat that any team has had in a long, long time. But the Bills, the Ravens, and the Bengals just-
Chris: Don’t worry about the Ravens, dude.
Dan: I know you hate them, but they’re actually pretty good.
Chris: I mean, dude, they lost some people on defense, I get it. They beat multiple teams by three touchdowns or more. But don’t worry about them in the playoffs-
Dan: They fucking choked [inaudible 00:43:33]. They choked.
Mark: The Bills are done.
Chris: Bills could be really … I mean they did lose their center.
Mark: They gave away three starters to get enough money to pay their middle linebacker, who’s just-
Chris: Who just got hurt.
Mark: He just [inaudible 00:43:49].
Matt: What, did he tear his bicep?
Mark: Yes.
Matt: Ouch. Ouch.
Mark: That’s got to hurt.
Matt: You would think, tear anything.
Dan: At least we’re not Minnesota right now, who didn’t keep a good quarterback because they didn’t want to pay him. Drafted a quarterback and now that quarterback is out for the rest of the season with the torn meniscus.
Matt: And they’ve paid him a nice chunk of money too.
Chris: People are sleeping on Texans. People I feel like are sleeping on the Titans-
Mark: And they’re lumpy.
Matt: Green Bay Packers.
Chris: And they’re sleeping on the Green Bay Packers.
Dan: I did see some precincts and stuff that the Texans are going to be a 10 win team.
Matt: I could see that. They’re pretty good. They’ve got a good squad this year.
Chris: I mean, Joe Mixon is going to run for over 1200 yards this year. I’m very upset that he’s not with us.
Dan: It’s going to be interesting. It all starts in a couple of weeks, right?
Chris: Yeah. I’m super excited.
Dan: Nebraska football starts next week, right?
Mark: Next Saturday.
Chris: Wow. Really? It’s a home game or away game?
Matt: Home game.
Mark: No. I’m wrong. Today’s the 18th. A week from Saturday.
Chris: Oh, damn. Home game?
Dan: Today’s the 19th.
Mark: What?
Chris: Home game? Did we start on a home game?
Mark: Yeah.
Dan: Yeah. It is next Saturday, the 31st.
Mark: The 31st is not next Saturday.
Dan: I think that’s a grammatical issue that I’ve had all my life. I see next Saturday is not this Saturday, not this one, but the next one.
Matt: See, that’s kind of the way I am.
Dan: That’s how I always understood that saying.
Mark: And for me, the next Saturday is the next one.
Chris: The one that’s coming up. Me too. [inaudible 00:45:16].
Matt: I’ve always said this Saturday, next Saturday.
Dan: Right. This comes back to the conversation that we had that probably got deleted. The English language is so fuckery, so beyond fuckery.
Matt: They have the first four games are home games this year.
Mark: Number one, words don’t have one spelling and one meaning. Number two, no silent letters.
Dan: God. Silent letters are a bitch. What is it? Esperanto-
Mark: Plum.
Chris: What?
Mark: Silent letters suck.
Matt: The P is silent, sort of, unless you’re at a paint ball event.
Dan: What language am I thinking of? Esperanto? Somebody created a language that is incredibly simple to learn and to use because it basically doesn’t have any contradictions. I think it’s Esperanto. Look it up. You guys will be educated. That’s going to do it for us today. Don’t forget to join us September 4th at 7:00-ish. Get here a little bit early. Bring some food in if you want to get a full belly. There will be popcorn available. It’s $90 a ticket. $90 per person. You get a quarter ounce pour.
Mark: Yes.
Dan: Five quarter ounce pours, Glenfiddich, Glenlivet, Benromach, Balvenie, and GlenAllachie, all 21 year old scotches. One of my favorite ones that we do every year because I do enjoy a good scotch and 21 is absolutely delicious. So, if you want to see what the upper echelon of really expensive bottles costs, drop $90. Come out to the Library Pub, Wednesday, September 4th before 7:00 and come and try some.
Matt: And they’re all good.
Dan: We got some tap takeovers coming also. Plus Super Bowl party coming up in February.
Matt: It’s true.
Dan: A lot of stuff.
Matt: Soup. Soup-er Bowl.
Dan: A lot of stuff. And then the fight. What constitutes a soup?
Matt: I think anything with a broth.
Chris: What about cream?
Matt: It could be broth. Anything with liquid around it.
Mark: Is stew and chili soup or something else?
Dan: That would be a question for Kevin, who is the judge of the Soup-er Bowl.
Matt: I would say stew is soup. Chili is chili.
Dan: I think it’s all in the same category. It’s like whiskey.
Chris: What’s the definition of chili though? Does it say a soup? Let’s see.
Matt: I don’t know.
Chris: What’s the …
Matt: I look at chili almost as a dip.
Dan: Kev, what’s your definition?
Kevin: [inaudible 00:47:47].
Dan: Kev says chili is a stew. Is a stew soup?
Kevin: No.
Dan: Stew is not a soup.
Mark: Now real chili that has a thin broth and just chunks of meat is a soup. The bastardization that we have in this country full of hamburger and beans is stew.
Dan: Yeah. You ever made Alton Brown’s Chili recipe?
Kevin: [inaudible 00:48:10].
Matt: No.
Dan: Looks good.
Matt: No, that’s more of a sauce.
Chris: It’s like a sauce.
Dan: Yeah. It is a sauce.
Matt: And it’s pretty gross.
Dan: All right guys, make sure to and follow the Library Pub Facebook page. Stay up to date with all the events and activities we got going on and come out and drink some damn good beers, and damner good whiskeys.
Chris: Just AI is telling me that chili is technically a type of stew, but how it’s prepared can determine if it’s considered a soup or stew. We can talk about this next week.
Dan: We could.
Chris: Tune in.
Dan: Bye everybody.
Matt: Soup. Hi, guys. I’ll be back next week.
Chris: Name’s Cliff.