Murray McDavid, Rare and Old Highland Malt, Exra Brooks 99, Baby Jane
Podcast Transcription
Dan: Episode 219 of the Library Pubcast. We recorded 90th and fourths in Omaha, Nebraska. Partially cleaned up from the storm about 10 days ago [inaudible 00:00:18].
Matt: For the most part. There’s still a lot of shit on the sides of the streets, a lot of tree limbs and stuff.
Dan: So, if I’m a tree company, can I just drive around town with my chipper and chip up all the stuff that’s sitting on the curb and then sell it to the gardening companies for mulch?
Matt: Well, with mulch they do certain woods. It’s not just a hodgepodge of stuff. Cause they do the woods that are like anti-insect and birch, stuff like that.
Dan: So there’s not a-
Matt: So, you could.
Dan: Yeah.
Matt: And I’m sure people would buy it, but I don’t know. I don’t know what the rules are on that.
Dan: Yeah. We deal with it every year with the snow. I remember for years after a huge snowstorm, I’d see guys driving around with plow in the front of their cars because they’re going from parking lot to parking lot, and I thought, why don’t you just drop that plow and help us out a little bit? But apparently, A, they don’t want to damage their equipment doing that, and B, the city actually does not allow them to do that.
Matt: Well, then if they’re doing it on the city street, then they’re liable for any damages.
Dan: Yeah.
Matt: So, that’s not one I would want to take on.
Dan: So, it’s probably the same thing with this. You can’t drive around neighborhood to neighborhood with your giant wood chipper and clean up.
Matt: Maybe. I don’t know. You could tell people. You tell them. You’re just trying to help clean up.
Dan: Where’s Aaron at when we need him?
Matt: I know.
Dan: With these kinds of laws.
Matt: Cops.
Dan: Yeah. Well, we had a fun weekend at the Library Pub. Sunday was the annual golf outing, otherwise known as-
Mark: Drunk Fest 2024.
Dan: Slight Debauchery was had.
Matt: It wasn’t too bad.
Dan: Slight.
Mark: It’s been worse.
Dan: It’s always.
Matt: We were fairly well-behaved on the golf course.
Dan: What do you think the factor of the cool weather fed into the fact that it wasn’t as sloppy as last year?
Matt: Well, when it’s hot out, you drink quicker.
Dan: You do.
Matt: Because-
Dan: And your body is expelling moisture a lot quicker.
Matt: Well, yes, but you also don’t want to throw half a beer away and they get hot so fast that you got to down them.
Dan: Yeah.
Matt: But it was nice yesterday. It was like 76 degrees out, partly cloudy. It was great. I had a blast.
Dan: The food was really good too, Matt. Good job on the food.
Matt: It was easy this year. Just burgers and dogs.
Dan: Giant wieners that you laid out for everybody.
Matt: Thank you. I like to show them off.
Dan: Well, charred too.
Matt: Thank you. I like to-
Mark: I like charred. Black char on a hot oven is really good.
Dan: It was perfect. Yeah.
Matt: I usually put them on just till they start bubbling up on the outside and then they go on the top rack.
Dan: You did a great job on them. They had terrific smell and they were warming back up again. I was like, God damn.
Matt: They were good.
Dan: Of course, I had to eat everything back there just to make sure it was at temperature.
Matt: What’d you think of the cheese dip?
Kev: Loved it. It was so good.
Dan: Yeah. It was really good.
Matt: I had never done it before and I made my regular cheese dip, and then I just added a can of the Lloyd’s barbecue with the sauce and everything in it, just dumped it in there and stirred it up. So, I don’t know. I didn’t get any.
Dan: Oh, you didn’t?
Matt: No.
Dan: It was gone quick.
Matt: It was gone. I’ll have to make a whole roaster of it next year.
Dan: Who was the winner of the golf tournament?
Matt: JR and our friend, Jason Gomez from Golf USA tied. So, they were both the big winners.
Dan: Nice.
Matt: Yep.
Dan: Gomez usually the outright winner?
Matt: Most years.
Dan: Yeah.
Matt: He did not win last year. We had a couple guys we didn’t know that were both really good.
Dan: I am happy for Gomez because as a part of the raffle prizes, he won himself a sleeve of golf balls.
Matt: He did win some golf balls.
Dan: As the owner of Golf USA, I’m sure he’s going to find very useful.
Matt: Well, they’re not even very good golf balls.
Dan: It might be on the discount rack today.
Matt: He probably threw them in his bag and there’ll be legacy shot balls that you don’t care if you lose them.
Dan: I was having a little bit of a chuckle moment with some people that were in here in that shift between, people started showing up at the pub at about 9 A.M., and then everyone left close to their tea time to get down there and get set up. And then there was this three, four hour lull where there was only a couple of regulars in the bar. And somebody was asking, they said, “Are they good golfers?” And I said, “There’s a couple of decent ones. Mostly everyone’s out there just to have a good time. They’re all good friends.” And I say it’s was funny because there was a couple of people that were sitting at the bar before they left for their round of golf that I think they were pre-excusing how bad they were going to be, talking about the humidity in the air, and how it was going to dramatically affect how far their ball went.
Matt: The golfers were saying that?
Dan: Yes. I heard it.
Matt: I need to know a name.
Dan: And then they were talking about-
Kev: You mean Gomez?
Dan: I wasn’t going to call you out.
Kev: No, it’s fine. It’s true. No, I was reading about it. That’s actually a thing. So, that’s why I was asking the residential golf pro-
Matt: He knows stuff.
Kev: If it was a true thing because I read it different than what it was told.
Dan: Okay.
Chris: I was hitting the ball very well.
Dan: You were?
Chris: Yes. I was crushing the ball.
Matt: Chris played pretty well yesterday.
Dan: Nice. And you were one of the more responsible ones. You came up and had one drink and then peaced out.
Chris: Yeah.
Matt: Eat some food. You had to get home to the family. Sunday’s family day.
Chris: It was fun.
Matt: I’m glad I got to drag him away for a few hours.
Chris: It was fun.
Dan: It’s good to see you up here.
Matt: It was fun. We had a good foursome.
Dan: We did.
Chris: Had a blast with Marquita.
Matt: She’s fun.
Dan: She is just a fun person.
Chris: Yeah. She is.
Dan: How is she not married?
Matt: I don’t think she wants to be married.
Dan: Okay. That would be a good reason why. She’s a fun chick.
Matt: I had fun with her.
Dan: Yeah.
Matt: Golfing.
Dan: Golfing. Yes. Mark, how are the Dodgers doing?
Mark: They swept Pirates over the weekend.
Dan: I saw the Chicago White Sox.
Mark: We finally got a new pitcher, rookie, flamethrower, strikes everybody out. Third start, blows an elbow. No. Everybody Dodger has on the IL.
Dan: I saw the Chicago White Sox fired their head coach because they’re the worst team in the league.
Mark: They set a record for most losses in a row.
Dan: Thank you. They were coming up to it, I believe.
Mark: They tied. 21, 21.
Dan: Okay. I thought there was 23, but maybe that was a different league.
Mark: Could have been the National League.
Dan: Yeah. Maybe the National League’s got a 23. But that’s rough. I don’t know. If you’re that coach, how do you expect to keep your job?
Matt: You don’t.
Dan: Yeah. You’re just kind of like, “All right. Well, I’ll just keep coaching game by game and cash checks.”
Mark: Well, my problem, especially with baseball, to me the fault does not lie with the coach. The fault lies with the front office who won’t give you talent. You’re going to only play the talent you have. And if you don’t have talent…
Matt: Well, and if the talent you do have can’t perform or they’re so spotty.
Mark: You’re playing in the major leagues, the coaches standing there and say, okay, put your back foot back a little ways and do this and do, no.
Dan: Yeah. I just went back and watched Moneyball again. Such a great movie. But it’s funny that this movie starts with them coming off of a nice playoff run and Billy Bean begging for more money from the owner. And the owner basically just says, “I’m giving you the money you’ve got. You’re going to have to put a team on the field with what you got and that’s it.” And the Oakland A’s have been notorious for not wanting to pay anybody. Unlike the Yankees, who will pay anybody.
Matt: They’ve got the money.
Dan: Yeah. Olympics finally came to a close.
Matt: Oh, yeah?
Kev: Oh, yeah. [inaudible 00:08:38].
Dan: United States, we’re the best.
Matt: At the Olympic thing.
Mark: The one thing-
Matt: Obscure sports.
Mark: The two weeks that’s been running, the one thing I have never looked at was medal count. I get it’s dumb. We’re better than you.
Dan: Nobody in America would care about the metal count if we weren’t number one.
Matt: My country’s better than yours at equestrian events.
Dan: We tied with gold medals, the most gold medals with China, but we absolutely stomped them on total medals.
Matt: We’re so good-
Dan: 1.6 to 91.
Matt: So, good at second and third.
Dan: And then third is Japan at 20 gold medals and 45 total medals. So, Japan has half the total medals that China does and a third of the total medals that the United States does.
Matt: Take that fuckers.
Dan: And I’m not making fun of Japan. I’m just talking about the disparity between first and second.
Matt: It’s a big drop-off.
Mark: What is the population of Japan and what is the population of the US?
Dan: Japan’s pretty populated for being a small little island.
Matt: It’s a very large population.
Dan: Yeah. I don’t see Russia in here anywhere. Did they not compete?
Chris: They weren’t allowed. Yeah. They used drugs.
Matt: Oh.
Dan: I thought they were allowed to compete. They just got caught sometimes.
Chris: They can’t. They probably had athletes that come but they couldn’t do it under Russia.
Dan: Oh, okay.
Chris: I think at least that was the last one for sure. Because I remember specifically them walking around and they were just waving the Olympic flag. I guess it was, athletes from Russia is what it was, but it wasn’t Russia.
Matt: Weird.
Dan: Yeah. Just like what Chris said, I did a quick Google search. You may see Russian athletes competing, but they’re not under Russia’s name.
Matt: They’re like Notre Dame. They’re just an independent.
Dan: Yeah.
Matt: Interesting.
Dan: So, now we can return to our regularly scheduled sporting events.
Matt: Yeah.
Dan: Football.
Matt: Go football.
Dan: Yeah. Seriously.
Matt: Pretty stoked about that.
Dan: Thinking about this weekend, football right now with preseason is kind of like seeing side boob. It’s kind of exciting, but you’re also like…
Matt: Yeah.
Mark: Everybody gets excited when the pre-season comes around and you watch a half a game and know why you don’t watch it anymore.
Dan: They’re doing what they got to do and we just can’t wait for the regular season to start. Did I hear the Bengals lost somebody?
Chris: We didn’t lose somebody, but we lost.
Dan: Oh. Chiefs lost too.
Mark: A pre-season game?
Dan: I thought you lost a player.
Mark: Who cares?
Chris: Only player that we would’ve lost would’ve been a defensive end in the middle of the week, Cam Sample.
Matt: But they found him.
Chris: Yeah. They found him.
Matt: He was just lost in the stadium.
Chris: He tore his ACL so he was done for the year.
Dan: Yeah. I think Micah Brown-
Chris: Michael Brown.
Dan: Michael Brown? Injured his shoulder.
Chris: Michael Brown or Hollywood Brown?
Dan: Hollywood Brown. Whoever it is.
Matt: Holly, is that his real name? Hollywood?
Chris: People call him Hollywood, I think. I don’t know. Click on it.
Dan: He suffered a shoulder injury.
Matt: It’s like naming your kid Thunder.
Chris: That was a really good pick up for you guys. How long is he going to be gone for? That’s tough.
Dan: I’m not seeing, anyways.
Matt: Yeah. What can you do?
Dan: Anything else that’s fun weekends? Oh.
Matt: It’s Walker. Nice hat Walker. The winner of a hat yesterday.
Dan: Yeah. Nice hat.
Matt: Mr. Walker over there. It’s very floral and Hawaiian inspired.
Dan: It fits his shirt.
Matt: It really does look good with the shirt. The Hummingbird golf shirt.
Dan: Sure you guys can all appreciate this on the podcast. Yeah. All right. Mark, you ready to drink some whiskey?
Mark: I’m always ready to drink whiskey.
Dan: All right. What do you got for us today?
Murray and McDavid
Mark: The first whiskey we’re going to be tasting is a Murray and McDavid-
Dan: What?
Mark: A Murray and McDavid. Which is basically, there’s a company out there called Murray and McDavid, they go buy barrels of whiskey that they like and they bottle it. This [inaudible 00:13:05].
Dan: Didn’t we just do Murray and McDavid?
Kev: We might’ve. Not This one.
Dan: The name sounds familiar.
Chris: It does sound familiar.
Mark: Well, that because there’s like 40 of them back there.
Dan: Okay.
Matt: Yeah. We have quite a few. They’re kind of like Chieftains.
Dan: Oh, got it. Okay. So Murray McDavid.
Mark: Right. And this happens to be a Glentauchers. Glentauchers does not bottle single malt whiskey. Almost 100% of their whiskey goes to blenders. Ballantine owned it one time, right now it’s owned by-
Dan: Very fruity.
Mark: By the way, Murray and McDavid goes to the Glentauchers distillery and buys this and they sell it. This was distilled in ’09, bottled in ’23, I believe.
Chris: Is it Murray McDavid? Is that his name? M and M. Or is it Murray and McDavid?
Mark: Murray and McDavid. Two different guys.
Chris: Got it. So, it’s like Siegfried and of Scotch world of the wizards.
Matt: I don’t know if they’re gay or have lions and tigers.
Chris: Okay. Penn and Teller. Bill and Ted.
Mark: Isn’t one of the Siegfried and Roy guys dead now?
Matt: I think they’re both dead.
Kev: Are they both dead?
Matt: I think so.
Dan: I don’t think either of them are dead.
Kev: I thought one of them got eaten.
Matt: Well, I know for sure. One of them is dead. He got half-eaten and was all screwed up.
Mark: But he survived for a long time.
Matt: He did.
Mark: Years.
Matt: Which I mean if you want to call that living, he was not in very good shape. But I thought the other one just died in the last year or two. The Bucks and Blonde.
Dan: Siegfried died in 2021. Roy is still alive.
Mark: 81 years old.
Dan: No. I’m sorry. Roy died in 2020.
Matt: 2020.
Chris: They missed each other so much.
Dan: Whoa.
Chris: They’re riding in their tigers in the sky.
Matt: Which they had a residency at the Mirage for-
Chris: Forever.
Matt: Like 30 years.
Chris: [inaudible 00:15:15].
Mark: They didn’t end that Mirage until he got eaten.
Matt: They are now redoing the Mirage and all the big Mirage thing that you had to walk under to go inside, and the Siegfried and Roy, and Tiger bronze sculpture that was out on the sidewalk all went to Neonopolis, the assigned graveyard/ museum.
Dan: It was a miracle that he, I can’t remember which one got attacked, but that he lived because the amount of blood he lost. God, that was back in 2003.
Mark: What is the ABV on that?
Matt: 56.1.
Mark: That answers a lot of questions.
Chris: Yeah. It is a little warm.
Mark: Yeah.
Matt: It’s warm-
Chris: It’s nice.
Matt: I don’t think it drinks 110.
Mark: No. I figured it was around 100.
Chris: I figured I was just getting because I haven’t had any alcohol in my palate today and it was just warm.
Matt: This stuff’s great.
Chris: It’s really good.
Matt: And the tasting notes on the back, they talk about-
Mark: Hey Walker, were you warming the leftovers?
Walker: [inaudible 00:16:25].
Mark: Your car.
Walker: Yes. I left my bag in there, so I didn’t have anything to change into this morning [inaudible 00:16:32].
Matt: Whoops.
Mark: My cleaning lady gives me a report every morning on how many leftovers there were, and there were four this morning.
Walker: Yep. That was one of them.
Mark: Happy golf.
Matt: This stuff’s good. It’s on the nose. They say fruitcake, chocolate and raisins, which I get all three. Creamy, PX, prunes and mocha on the palate. And then sweet oak spice and soft caramel. I like this. I think this stuff’s really tasty.
Mark: The caramel, I just put just a dab of water with it, it really brings the caramel out.
Matt: I really like this. Dan, you’re missing out on a good one.
Dan: I’d like to smell it, but I can’t smell anything today.
Matt: Look at the beautiful color on that.
Mark: So, what brings you to the sobriety?
Dan: Oh, well right now I’m sick. So, whenever I’m sick I try not to drink. Just give my body a little extra ability to be able to get better. Plus it’s probably a good idea to take a break every once in a while.
Matt: Let the liver and kidneys clean out.
Dan: I haven’t taken a break for three years. So, give it a shot.
Matt: We’ll try. I like that one.
Mark: How long is said break going to last?
Dan: About a month. We’ll see how it goes. Some days maybe easier than others, depending on my clients and bosses, and-
Matt: Home life.
Chris: Girlfriend.
Dan: Girlfriend and chickens, and ducks.
Matt: Fucking chickens and ducks.
Dan: My racing friends. [inaudible 00:18:07] kill each other.
Chris: You want to talk about that? I think we should talk about that. Dan’s playing a psychologist-
Matt: Like track psychologist.
Chris: I thought you’re just announcer dude.
Dan: But I’m also friends with these guys. You’ve had to play mediator between two friends having a few.
Chris: Yeah. It’s true.
Dan: And that’s what this is. Except your two friends would go fist to cuffs. My two friends would go race cars to race cars.
Chris: So funny.
Mark: It’s expensive fighting.
Chris: Yeah. It is.
Dan: And neither of them have a problem spending money replacing race cars-
Matt: If you got it.
Dan: [inaudible 00:18:41] the other
Matt: If you got it, why not?
Dan: Yeah. It’s a feud between two of my friends and I’m trying to help out because it needs to end.
Chris: I saw you posted on your other Facebook page and I was like, is this real life? What’s going on here? You actually have to get, dude…
Mark: And I’ll bet, no one really remembers what started it.
Dan: Oh no, they do. This is the remarkable thing about drivers, and this is any driver out there, they will remember when you did them wrong five years ago, in turn two at an insignificant race at an insignificant track, you chop my nose and fuck you.
Matt: Stay off my nose.
Dan: Now you did it again and I’m going to dump you going into the next corner. They’ve got dirt track, race car drivers when it comes to doing somebody wrong in the racetrack have very long memories.
Mark: A couple years ago, the second to the last game of the season, a pitcher hit the star batter from the other team. The next season, they didn’t play each other for the first two months and then they played each other. The pitcher for the team who got their star hit, walked out, first pitch right the head.
Dan: Oh. And they remembered it.
Mark: Yes. That’s why he did it. You hit my guy, I’m going to hit you.
Matt: They usually have to write stuff down.
Dan: I know. All of us have been in fights with our significant others of why are we fighting?
Matt: What?
Dan: Happened?
Matt: It’s really loud in here.
Dan: Yeah.
Matt: No, I don’t. Yeah.
Dan: It does have a nice nose to it, doesn’t it?
Matt: It’s very nice.
Dan: It’s a good one.
Matt: Very raisin-y, prune-y.
Dan: 20 a pour.
Matt: Yep.
Dan: Full pour.
Matt: Full pour.
Dan: Murray and McDavid.
Matt: Oh, yeah.
Dan: Forgot about that. Chris just reminded us, no matter how old we are, we never grow up.
Chris: Nope.
Matt: He had cart 69 yesterday.
Chris: Yeah.
Matt: [inaudible 00:20:52] 27.
Chris: 69.
Dan: Murray and McDavid at Glentauchers ’13. We need to make a list of all the Glen scotches out there.
Chris: Glentauchers.
Matt: Probably be easier to make the ones that aren’t Glens.
Dan: It’s True.
Matt: There’s a lot of them.
Dan: Can you enlighten us? And Glen is a regional area, like a geographical area, right?
Mark: Yes. It’s a Clarendon trees. There’s so many Glens because back a bazillion years ago when they first started making scotch was taxed Dodge. So they would go out in forest and find the Glen clearing and that’s the where they would distill their liquor. Now, they’re simply named after the Glen, whatever Glen. Glen [inaudible 00:21:37], Glen [inaudible 00:21:38].
Dan: Yeah.
Matt: Glen Johnson.
Mark: Most of the Glens are going to be space-side Scotches, which is what we drink a lot of.
Dan: I get an image of a Scottish man standing on his porch of his cottage saying, “Oh look as a clearing over there. It’s a Glen. It’s my Glen.”
Matt: Glen Johnson.
Dan: Yeah.
Mark: That was John Fiddich.
Dan: There’s a clearing over there. Would you like a Glen?
Matt: I’ll take it.
Dan: It’s not a great Scottish [inaudible 00:22:18].
Chris: No, it’s not.
Matt: Not at all.
Chris: Actually, it’s-
Dan: British?
Chris: Yeah. British took over.
Matt: Been watching a little too much BBC, huh?
Chris: Too much Braveheart. To breed them out. Sorry. Great movie.
Mark: Great movie.
Dan: Terrible ending.
Mark: Hate the end. The ending makes it hard to watch because you know it’s coming.
Chris: It’d be fine if he wasn’t jerking down motion of getting his intestines ripped out and then hung for everybody to see. It was just…
Matt: That just sounds like a fun fishing trip.
Dan: For your brother.
Matt: Yeah.
Dan: All right. Mark-
Mark: Cinnamon.
Dan: What is your second pick? Are we still on the Murray McDavid or moving on?
Rare and Old Highland Malt Whiskey
Mark: No. This Scotch has an interesting story.
Dan: Oh, love interesting stories.
Mark: The only thing better than good scotch is good scotch with a good story. In 1907, a group of Englishmen went to Antarctica to find the South Pole. They took whiskey with them. This whiskey is supposedly a remake of that whiskey.
Matt: A good try.
Mark: A good try. It’s called Rare and Old Highland Malt Whiskey. Whether it actually tastes like the stuff, who knows?
Matt: I get Chloraseptic, like the mouth spray when you have a sore throat.
Chris: Yeah. I can see that.
Mark: And the ship they took was called the Endurance. I like this.
Matt: I don’t think it’s bad at all. I do get a little antiseptic-y, Novocaine-y.
Chris: Can I see that bottle? Can I hold it? Thank you.
Matt: I love the fact that the label looks like it’s about 1,000 years old.
Chris: They do that on purpose, I’m assuming.
Mark: Yes.
Matt: I don’t know about the peeling part, but-
Mark: We have had that whiskey for a long time.
Matt: That is, I believe that’s Mark’s handwriting from back when he was bartending on the price sticker.
Dan: Is that a cents? Did I see-
Matt: There are 50 cents on that.
Dan: So, that is from a long time ago.
Matt: So, it doesn’t happen very often anymore.
Chris: Getting this confused with another whiskey. There’s some other expedition that happened, same type of story.
Matt: I know Lewis and Clark ate their dog because they were sick of eating salmon.
Mark: I would’ve kept dog, get more fish.
Dan: Yeah.
Matt: It’s fresh salmon.
Dan: How you kill the dog? How do you eat your pet? I mean, unless you’re in the Donner family.
Matt: I don’t know if they were so much pets as they were like protection, nighttime protection and stuff like that. But you would still get an attachment, you would think.
Dan: There’s a lot of potential names on here. What did you call this?
Mark: What did they call it? Turn it around. I called it Rare and Old Highland Malt Whiskey. It was originally produced by the Charles McKintry or something, [inaudible 00:26:00] I believe.
Matt: Chas. MacKinlay and Company. Blended and bottled by Chas. MacKinlay. M-A-C-K-I-N-L-A-Y and Co.
Chris: So, what’s Shackleton then?
Dan: What?
Chris: Shackleton? We sell Shackleton. Same story, man. This is why I’m like-
Dan: We sell Shackleton?
Chris: We used to.
Kev: Oh, I’m pretty sure we still.
Dan: You think it’s Sextant?
Kev: No, I’m think it’s Shackleton.
Mark: Shackleton was a British explorer, but I don’t remember where he went.
Chris: Because they wrote there’s a movie coming out about it. I’m just, I am really confused right now. Yeah. See, we still, we don’t have any, but shocker.
Dan: What do you think the Chas. is short for? Because there’s a period as if it’s abbreviated.
Mark: Usually Chas. is short for Charles.
Dan: Really?
Chris: Okay. MacKinlay’s Whiskey. Three of the crates contain MacKinlay’s Rare Old Highland Malt Whiskey, which Shackleton ordered in 1907 to boost team spirit on his Nimrod expedition. Whiskey’s bottled in 1898 after aging for 15 years. So, this is too co-exciting stories that I don’t quite understand.
Mark: Well, no, that Whiskey was the one I didn’t ever, I never said who the explorer was because I didn’t know his name.
Chris: Oh, so this could be-
Mark: So, that whiskey is what you are talking about.
Chris: Okay. Cool. That’s a fun story. I bet they were really cold.
Mark: They all died.
Matt: Oh. Good times.
Mark: I don’t know that for sure, but it kind of fit right there.
Matt: It sounds right.
Chris: It’s why John Candy went east.
Matt: And died.
Chris: Yeah. He did die in that movie.
Dan: Jesus.
Matt: Yeah.
Dan: Anybody else you want to talk about that died?
Matt: Does anyone ever watch that movie?
Chris: I love it.
Matt: It’s horrible.
Chris: It’s so bad. It’s great.
Dan: Which movie?
Mark: What is it? Wagons East.
Matt: Yeah. Wagons East. Yeah. It was terrible.
Chris: The Gay Gunslinger, dude.
Matt: I feel so bad for the horse that John Candy rode.
Chris: He was also on Scrubs, wasn’t he the doctor in the Scrubs.
Matt: Dr. Cox?
Chris: Yeah. The dickhead one.
Matt: Yeah. He’s great.
Chris: Man, I need to watch Scrubs again. That show was funny.
Mark: Dan?
Dan: Yes sir.
Mark: You guys can keep going or you can mark it and stop while I’m gone, but I shouldn’t have ate that donut.
Matt: Uh-oh.
Dan: Let’s keep going. It’s a bourbon and you might not like it, so we’ll just keep going. What do you think? Guys?
Matt: That’s fair.
Dan: Yeah. Okay. Mark it, just in case. All right. So, Rare Old, yeah, that doesn’t say Rare and Old-
Chris: [inaudible 00:28:50] McKinley’s Rare Old Highland-
Dan: That says Rare Old.
Matt: Rare Old.
Chris: Rare Old, that’s what it is.
Matt: Rare Old.
Chris: This is what the bottle looks like that they dug up from the ice.
Matt: Looks very similar.
Dan: Oh, yeah. It does. Rare Old Highland Malt Whiskey, blended and bottled by Chas. MacKinlay and Company. Oh, there’s some nice reading on the back of it too.
Matt: Yeah. No one’s ever going to read that. It’s the smallest type, that may as well be braille.
Dan: Fuck that. All right, Matt. What do you got for us?
Exra Brooks 99 Proof Port Finished
Matt: This is, we may have done this one already, I don’t remember.
Dan: Fuck it. Let’s do it again.
Matt: But this is the Ezra Brooks 99 proof port finished. The fun thing about this is they don’t give you an age statement. They don’t give you a, they give you a match bill, but the match bill they give you is corn, rye, barley finished in port.
Dan: Yeah.
Matt: Yeah. I like port finished stuff.
Chris: Dan’s nose is dribbly.
Matt: Dan’s got a runny nose. Better catch it. I like this. I think this stuff’s really yummy.
Dan: The infamous John Tucker’s wife came in yesterday with her friend and they ordered me to find them bourbons that were sweet. So, we did Knob Creek, Smoked Maple, which was their favorite.
Matt: Screwball, Fireball.
Dan: Thomas S. More Sherry Cask.
Matt: Those Thomas S. Mores are pretty good.
Dan: Isaac Bowman Port Barrel.
Matt: It’s excellent.
Dan: That’s the third one. There’s a fourth one. I did that, Spey Tenne.
Matt: Okay.
Dan: Even though they were very adamant they wanted bourbons, I said, give this scotch a try.
Matt: If you don’t like it, we’ll figure something out.
Dan: Yeah. They enjoyed it, but it was their fifth favorite that they had and I can’t remember the, oh, Breckenridge. They have a-
Matt: Oh, the rum cask?
Dan: Yeah.
Matt: It’s really good too, but it is kind of sweet.
Dan: Yeah. They really enjoyed it. I think they went, Knob Creek was their first. I think Thomas was their second then Isaac Bowman, Breckenridge and then the Spay.
Matt: I think they were just leaving when I was getting back from golf.
Dan: Yeah. They were making it a point to cash out when golfers started coming back.
Matt: I’m sure.
Dan: So, she said, just keep me appraises when they’re starting to come back. We’ll close out and head out.
Matt: Like, well, Matt’s on the 10th hole.
Dan: Yeah. All right. This one?
Matt: But this Ezra Brooks, it’s finished in port wine barrels. 99 proof. I think it’s a nice, easy drinker that is not an expensive bottle. Right around 40 to $50.
Dan: This one would’ve been nice to add there too.
Matt: I don’t know if this would be quite sweet enough for them.
Chris: Definitely sweet on the nose for shizzle.
Matt: It’s not near as sweet on the palette. But good old Ezra Brooks brought to you by Lux Row. And I think that this one’s relatively new from him, probably in the last few months.
Chris: You want to, actually, as soon as Matt’s done, I’ll give you an update on the tax stuff.
Dan: Oh,
Matt: On the tax stuff?
Dan: Tax stuff for the wonderful Governor’s tax proposal.
Matt: Oh, the alcohol tax. Go ahead.
Chris: Okay. So, that because of the response has been removed from the table. So, they’re not talking about the 287% increase on the tax. Now, there’s a new proposal which includes an 87% spirits tax increase that would take our spirits tax from 3.75 a gallon to $7 a gallon.
Matt: Jesus. That’s still-
Chris: Still not acceptable.
Matt: Ridiculous.
Chris: Yeah.
Matt: Who said that last week when we were talking? Are they going to-
Dan: This is a tactic just to get a lower tax.
Matt: Just to get a lower tax. Originally, their goal is to get a 60% tax.
Chris: Yeah. It’s ridiculous.
Matt: I understand we need taxes. We do.
Chris: Oh, my gosh. What is he called? The attorney general is probably going to be going after all the hemp shops. Everything.
Matt: I’m surprised they haven’t already.
Chris: Yeah. He just came out and he is like, “Listen, you guys are all doing this illegally.” He is like, “I have every grounds to come and shut down every single one.”
Dan: Why?
Matt: Because it’s illegal. Because it’s not legal yet. I get it. I don’t agree with it.
Dan: Legalize it. Legalize CBD, legalize marijuana. Make a shitload of money off the taxes-
Chris: Exactly.
Dan: And get in the 20th fucking century, dipshits.
Matt: Well, regular CBD is legal. It’s all these different variants that are are THC heavy.
Chris: THCP. What is that? I don’t know what that is.
Matt: I don’t know. Someone was talking about that in here last night. I guess that high lasts like 72 hours.
Chris: I’m going to look up THCP is.
Dan: Yeah. I know who you’re talking about. I overheard that conversation. I don’t know. I fought this when I was in radio and a buddy of mine opened up a shop in Council Bluffs and the city shut him down several times and he’s like, according to the state of Iowa, which, we’re in Iowa-
Matt: So, that helps.
Dan: This is a legal product. But it looked like marijuana. So, they just automatically shut it down. Rather than testing it or getting any kind of information, they just shut him down for two weeks.
Matt: Well, over here they will test it and it’ll test way over what the allowed limit is.
Dan: Yeah.
Matt: The allowed limit’s like 3% and they have stuff that’s testing at 19%.
Dan: Just legalize it. Seriously. If you go through the history of marijuana, it shouldn’t have been classified where it was in the first place.
Chris: Nope.
Matt: No.
Dan: It blows my mind that people will smoke cigarettes, but not smoke marijuana. When the tobacco companies purposefully put addictive chemicals and hazardous chemicals in the cigarettes.
Matt: And they tell you they do it.
Dan: Yes.
Chris: Here’s this-
Dan: Marijuana is, pull it off the leaf, dry it, grind it, smoke it.
Chris: But it’s not though.
Dan: Oh, it’s not?
Chris: Yes, essentially that is. But dude, some of these things that are like this THC that we’re talking about short for tetrahydrocannabinol. It’s newly discovered cannabinoid found in cannabis plants. So they’re getting really scientific with this. This is up to 30 times stronger than THC.
Matt: Yeah.
Chris: So that is why-
Matt: It’s like a 72 hour edible.
Chris: So and so ate a 10 milligrams of it and was down for 72 hours. That’s why those things scare the shit, edibles scare the out of me. I don’t know what I’m getting. I know what I’m getting when I’m [inaudible 00:36:18].
Matt: When I smoke flour.
Chris: Yeah.
Matt: But I don’t want to be high for 72 hours straight.
Chris: No.
Dan: I know. Give me six, seven hours, I’m fine.
Matt: Yeah. Not 72.
Dan: Nope.
Matt: I don’t want to put a full workweek in.
Chris: How much food I would eat.
Matt: Oh, my God. I’d weigh 1,000 pounds. I’d be on My 600 Pound Life.
Chris: It’d be 72 hours later and I’m bloated, and miserable. What happened to you, Flum? I took this 10 milligram thing that made me eat my refrigerator. $300 worth of groceries.
Matt: I think I killed my wife and ate her.
Chris: Anywho.
Matt: No, stuff like that’s scary.
Chris: Yeah. It is. And I get this is like, I hate to be that guy, but this is getting into kids’ hands. This is. I know that there’s not people giving it out like, “Here little boy-”
Matt: Trick or treat.
Chris: Trick or treat. They’re not doing that. But it’s friends that are old enough to go into these places that are getting them for their younger friends that are-
Matt: Taking them from mom and dad.
Chris: I sound so old, man.
Matt: Like we did with cigarettes.
Chris: I sound so old.
Dan: Yeah. But it’s no different than alcohol and cigarettes. It’s ridiculous to me that we’re fighting about marijuana when marijuana is, in a lot of people’s minds, the exact same category as alcohol and cigarettes.
Chris: I think it’s more than marijuana though. This is more. They’re doing scientific stuff to it that-
Matt: It’s like steroid weed.
Chris: Putting stuff in it. It’s completely different than the hippies of the old days, putting up some lights and cross-breeding some stuff and having it become the best.
Dan: And that would be an argument for legalizing it because then you would create a facility that would have to do it according to these parameters.
Chris: I agree.
Dan: Back in the day when there was antifreeze in alcohol, the reason why moonshine is not legal is because it’s not purified and it’s way too astringent.
Matt: Too high-proof.
Dan: Too high proof. And so you legalize it, you create a standard and all of a sudden what you’re going and buying from Walgreens or Hy-Vee or Casey’s is certified by the government as clean and safe.
Matt: Ish.
Chris: Ish. Seriously.
Dan: When it comes to them sticking their fingers into stuff-
Matt: Whoa.
Dan: Yeah. I paused at the wrong time.
Chris: Mashed potatoes.
Matt: This is like a Clinton joke?
Chris: Mashed potatoes.
Dan: Give you my strong hand.
Chris: Mashed potatoes. [inaudible 00:38:57] that kind of party
Matt: Finger in the mashed potatoes.
Dan: I have never been more excited about government oversight and regulations than when I was standing 300 feet in the air, strapped to a wire, 700 yards to the other end on a tree in Mexico.
Matt: On a zip line.
Dan: On a zip line. And I remember him hooking me up and thinking-
Kev: I’m in Mexico.
Dan: When was the last time this wire was inspected?
Matt: I’m going to die in the jungle.
Chris: This zip line is sponsored by cartels.
Dan: Oops.
Chris: It’s all right.
Dan: We’re getting Enrique running again. That’d be more South America, anyways.
Baby Jane
Dan: Baby Jane.
Matt: Baby, sweet Baby Jane.
Chris: Sweet Baby Jane.
Dan: Baby Jane.
Matt: These are from our friends up in Brooklyn at Widow Jane. Which this is kind of cool. They’re calling this an heirloom bourbon because they developed a special heirloom corn to make this stuff with. And they grow all the corn and stuff and then they ship it all to Red Hook, where they grind it, ferment it, and make some whiskey, and then they ship it back to Brooklyn for some aging. And this is their newest release. I think it’s pretty dang good.
Dan: This is from the Widow Jane line.
Matt: Yes.
Dan: Sorry, I was reading an email if you mentioned that. By the way, my selective hearing today is rather on point.
Matt: You’re doing great.
Dan: Yeah.
Matt: This is about $50 a bottle, maybe a touch less. 45.5%, 91 proof. I like this stuff.
Dan: What’s the story with Widow Jane? Didn’t her husband start the distillery and died and then she-
Matt: Something like that.
Dan: Yeah. She took it over.
Matt: And was very successful.
Dan: Yeah.
Matt: So, they’ve got a maple syrup finished one they do that’s pretty good. And then they just released that Lucky 13, which it was pretty good. And now it’s Baby Jane.
Dan: Now it’s Baby Jane.
Matt: Baby Jane. So, I’m looking at the tasting notes on their website. On the nose, they say salty air, green grape, honeycomb and cream soda.
Chris: Cream soda? I don’t think I’ve ever heard of that on a whiskey before.
Mark: Well, cream So is flavor [inaudible 00:41:37].
Chris: Sure.
Dan: Baby Jane, heirloom corn.
Matt: It’s their heirloom whiskey.
Dan: Delicious stuff, I think. How is it? Thoughts? Artie’s indifferent.
Matt: I like it.
Chris: Some char. Kind of dry, a little bit.
Matt: They won a Best in Show and Gold at the Great American International Award American Craft Whiskey.
Dan: Oh. Where was that?
Matt: They are at 218 Conover Street in Brooklyn, New York.
Dan: Now we’re getting to the bottom of the barrel of details to talk about. Let’s see. Is that it for us? That’s all we’re trying today?
Matt: That’s all I got for whiskey.
Dan: The next Whiskey Wednesday will be coming up in a couple of weeks. September 4th will be that next one, the weekend after Labor Day weekend, the week after Labor Day weekend. We’ll get the details of that out soon. Kev, you got any Tap Takeovers coming?
Kev: Yes. [inaudible 00:42:45].
Dan: 5th of September?
Kev: Yep.
Dan: Okay.
Kev: Delayed waiting [inaudible 00:42:53].
Dan: Fantastic. From Cross [inaudible 00:42:56]?
Kev: Yep.
Dan: Tap Takeover coming September 5th from Cross [inaudible 00:43:02].
Matt: And they make good beers.
Dan: I think that’s all we got.
Matt: Yeah. That’s about it.
Dan: Anything else, Mark?
Mark: No.
Dan: Did you have a nice poop?
Mark: I did.
Dan: Good. I just love a good poop.
Matt: Dan, thanks for all your help yesterday. I appreciate it.
Dan: Oh.
Matt: Sorry, I forgot to put extension cords out.
Dan: Man, I was digging. Not really digging. I was just looking.
Matt: Looking.
Dan: And then I started digging and found them all.
Matt: They’re in a box.
Dan: Yeah. All right. That’s going to do it for us. Make sure you share the Library Pubcast, so that way we can continue to grow, and get out to the Library Pub. 47 craft beers on tap plus Bud light. Over 2,000 bottles of whiskey on hand, give or take, depending on the week. Retail available also. There’s a couple of bottles over there if you’re looking to take home, I saw a bottle of Widow Jane in there.
Matt: There is some Widow Jane 10 year in there.
Dan: It’s available. We do not sell our allocated bourbons. We keep those to pour for customers. So, you can always call and ask. The answer’s going to be no.
Matt: Yep.
Dan: You can call and ask.
Matt: You can call.
Dan: And I think that’s it.
Matt: Yeah.
Chris: Hey, Dan’s friends, stop being knobheads and crashing your cars into each other.
Dan: Yeah.
Matt: Knobheads.
Chris: Seriously.
Dan: Fucking know heads.
Matt: Dummies.
Chris: Dumbs, dumb dumbs.
Matt: Don’t come after us now either.
Chris: Dumb. Yeah. Don’t hit me with your race car.
Matt: Because I don’t have a car to run you over with.
Chris: If you race my car, I’m screwed.
Matt: I don’t even have that. I have a loaner car.
Dan: Yeah. Bye everybody.
Chris: Bye.
Matt: All right. Bye. Yeah.